The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has significant ramifications for organizations that do not meet the HIPAA patient privacy standards. Our consultation team provides various levels of preparation, education and support for developing the organization’s HIPAA-compliant Information Management Plan.

Our HIPAA consultants can:

  • Institute a “Train the Trainer” process that provides the management team with a sample HIPAA plan, policies and procedures, and GAP analysis tools, hardware/software analysis checklists, aggregated reports with graphs and instruction on how to implement these HIPAA compliance tools within the organization
  • Assist in or manage the entire HIPAA evaluation and compliance process, providing the tools and working side by side with the organization’s implementation team on determining HIPAA readiness, strategies for minimizing vulnerabilities, and meeting privacy standards /li>

Our consultation team consists of a senior associate, statistical analyst, and computer hardware/software specialist. Follow-up visits can be arranged regardless of the level of support selected to facilitate ongoing HIPAA compliance.

For more information on how Steven Hirsch & Associates can assist you with accreditation and licensure preparedness, Medicare certification and other management challenges Click Here!